FreshSchools is the primary communication and fundraising tool used by the Capilano PAC.
Below, you'll find important information about FreshSchools, including how to update your child's information and stay connected.
FreshSchools FAQ
What is FreshSchools?
FreshSchools is the school communication platform that the PAC uses to connect parents, caregivers, teachers, and administrators.
Is there a cost?
Not to you. The subscription service is paid for by the CPAC.
Who runs it?
The Capilano PAC runs our FreshSchools account. Contact the PAC with any questions or concerns.
Adding a New Student
Ensure that you are using the desktop version of the application (you cannot perform this action on the mobile site)
Create an Account: Visit www.freshschools.com and create an account if you
don't already have one. -
Access Parent Profile: Click on your parent profile in the top left corner of the screen.
Click on the Image above your Parent Profile
Add Student: Click "Add Student" button under your name.
Updating Key Information
Video courtesy of Capilano parent, Natalie Ytsma
For Returning Parents and Caregivers:
Log In: Visit www.freshschools.com and log into your FreshSchools account.
Find Your Child: Search for your child(ren)'s name(s) within the platform
My Roster: Click on "My Roster.
Edit Profile: Hit the "Edit" button on your child's profile.
Select Class: Choose your child's class from the "Classes" field (e.g., Division 01
Grade 7). You can locate this option under "My Roster." -
Save Changes: Scroll to the very bottom of the page and press "Save Profile."
Multiple Children: If you have more than one child, repeat the above steps for each.